Utility Bill and Energy Audit


Gain complete visibility into where electricity (and costs) go in
a building.

Formulate action plan to target energy efficiency projects.

Develop business plan for energy investments.

Utility Bill Audit

  • Look for anomalies in utility bills that could point to energy saving opportunities.
  • Create budget consumptions and costs for a typical year.

Benchmark Your Buildings

  • Breakout of electric and fuel consumptions into end-use components (space cooling, fan energy, lighting consumption, etc).
  • Comparison of the building’s consumptions to other buildings of typical size, use and geographic location.

Walk-Thru and Investment Grade Audit

  • Assess the energy saving potential of the facility.
  • Preliminary and detailed audit of building systems such as ventilation systems, cooling and lighting to uncover energy savings.
  • Review of schedules and control strategies.
  • Investigation of renewable energy sources (Solar PV, Solar Thermal, Wind).
  • Detailed audit report, delivered electronically. Report includes financial analysis (ROI, net present value, etc.) of each opportunity, greenhouse gas emission reductions, utility bill analysis, benchmarking, etc.

Government and Utility Incentives

  • Support in applying for incentive money from governments, and local utilities.
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: 1-800-471-8978
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free consultation
: contact@impactenergy.ca